138 research outputs found

    CSR and Company's Stock Price. A Comparative Evidence from Bucharest Stock Exchange

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    This paper aims at analysing the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) andstock price for the companies listed on Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) in 2015, comparing with the resultsobtained for 2014. This study investigates the differences in the market stock price (and other market variables,such as dividends and stock return) of companies that show CSR compared with those that do not. For thispurpose we will use three statistical techniques: discriminant analysis, probit analysis model and logisticregression. There is no significant difference between the prediction ability of the models, in the context inwhich probit model and logistic regression have and average correct classification of 70.29%, whilediscriminant analysis records 71.62%. Our analysis highlighted that stock return has a significant impact onCSR activities of a company. Moreover, all discriminants have a positive impact on CSR

    Romanian Fiscal Policy Sustainability during Financial Crisis: A Cointegration Approach

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    AbstractThe fiscal policy type depends on the economic stage: recession or expansion. Taking into account these two economic stages, the central authority of each country is adopting different measures in order to stimulate (during recession period) or to temperate (during boom period) the economy. The purpose of these measures is to obtain economic stability of the country for a long period of time. Therefore, this paper is emphasizing fiscal policy sustainability in Romania. Maintaining fiscal sustainability is very important for both macroeconomic stability and financial capacity of the country. Our results reveal that the public expenditure responds better to shocks caused by structural changes in revenue, compared to the opposite case. This fact indicates that there is still a hope in the sustainability of Romanian fiscal policy on long term

    Theoretical Framework for the Definition of Locally-Embedded Future Policy Scenarios

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    This document has been prepared in the framework of the European project SMARTEES – Social Innovation Modelling Approaches to Realizing Transition to Energy Efficiency and Sustainability. Work-package: No. 5. Definition of Future Policy Scenarios. Deliverable 5.1 (Report)[Abstract] This document presents the common conceptual framework for the development of locally embedded policy scenarios in the SMARTEES case studies. The conceptual framework will inform the methodology for the co-creation of policy scenarios in each case, but also aims to be a stand-alone tool that policy-makers can use to conceptualize and implement the policy tools that can lead to citizen engagement with and acceptance of energy policy, the adoption of sustainable energy behaviours and to adequately manage setbacks and conflicts in the process.This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 763912https://local-social-innovation.eu/resources/deliverables

    Sustainable behaviour in the workplace: the role of universities in promoting pro-environmental behaviour

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    [Resumen] Las organizaciones y sus empleados son algunos de los mayores consumidores de los recursos energéticos a nivel mundial (Kempton, Darley, & Stern, 1992; Oskamp, 2000; Stern, 2000). En los últimos años, hay cada vez mayor reconocimiento del papel que juegan las universidades en la transición hacia una sociedad más sostenible (Ki-Hoon et al., 2013; Lans et al., 2014; Sedlacek, 2013). La presente investigación analiza las barreras y los facilitadores del comportamiento proambiental en una organización pública de educación superior, en tres categorías de prácticas: el consumo de materiales y energía, la gestión de residuos y la movilidad relacionada con el trabajo. Después de llevar a cabo un análisis de la percepción de los trabajadores, se han analizado los factores estructurales, organizacionales e individuales que influyen en la adopción de comportamientos sostenibles en las organizaciones y en la creación de contextos que estimulen la innovación para el cambio organizacional sostenible. Los estudios se han llevado a cabo en una universidad pública gallega, adoptando un enfoque multi-método, que incluye grupos focales, entrevistas en profundidad, un cuestionario, y una metodología para el desarrollo de escenarios de futuro. Los resultados obtenidos a través del test de modelos predictivos muestran la importancia de los procesos de influencia social tanto para los trabajadores como para los estudiantes, y apuntan al potencial de las organizaciones para convertirse en contextos que promueven la autonomía e incentivan la implicación activa de los trabajadores y estudiantes en la busqueda de soluciones para la sostenibilidad.[Resumo] As organizacións e os seus empregados son algúns dos maiores consumidores dos recursos enerxéticos mundiais (Kempton, Darley, & Stern, 1992; Oskamp, 2000; Stern, 2000). Nos últimos anos, cada vez hai un maior recoñecemento do papel que xogan as universidades na transición cara a unha sociedade máis sustentable (Ki-Hoon et al., 2013; Lans et al., 2014; Sedlacek, 2013). A presente investigación analiza as barreiras e os facilitadores do comportamento proambiental nunha organización pública de educación superior, en tres categorías de prácticas: o consumo de materiais e enerxía, a xestión de residuos e a mobilidade relacionada co traballo. Despois de levar a cabo unha análise das prácticas existentes e da súa percepción por parte dos traballadores, analizáronse os factores estruturais, organizacionais e individuais que inflúen na adopción de comportamentos sustentables nas organizacións e na creación de contextos que estimulen a innovación para o cambio organizacional sostible. Os resultados obtidos a través do test de modelos preditivos mostran a importancia dos procesos de influencia social tanto para os traballadores como para os estudantes, e tamén apuntan ao papel clave da cultura, o clima e a estrutura organizacional na xeración de obstáculos ou potenciadores dos comportamentos sustentables.[Abstract] Organizations and their employees are among the largest users of the world´s energy resources (Kempton, Darley, & Stern, 1992; Oskamp, 2000; Stern, 2000). Recently, there has been a growing recognition of the role of universities in the transition towards a more sustainable society in recent years (Ki-Hoon et al., 2013; Lans et al., 2014; Sedlacek, 2013). The present research investigates the barriers to and drivers of pro-environmental behaviour in a public higher education organization, in three categories of practices: consumption of materials and energy, waste generation and management, and work-related mobility. After performing an exploration of workers´ perceptions, it investigates the role of structural, organizational and individual factors in the adoption of pro-environmental behaviour in organizations and in the creation of contexts that support innovation leading to sustainable organizational change. The studies reported were carried out taking a public university in Galicia (Spain) as a case study, and used a multi-method approach that included focus groups, in-depth interviews, a questionnaire and a back-casting scenario development methodology. Results give support to predictive models of pro-environmental behaviour that postulate a normative route to behaviour for both workers and students, and point to the potential for organizations to become autonomy-promoting contexts that encourage the pro-active engagement of workers in formulating and implementing creative sustainability sollutions

    Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

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    Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a rare pathology with an estimated incidence of 1:14,000–18,000 births. It includes a group of inherited diseases with autosomal recessive transmission. The genetic defect consists of mutations of the genes encoding the enzymes involved in adrenal and eventually gonadal steroidogenesis. The most common mutation is the gene encoding 21 hydroxylase the enzyme involved in cortisol and aldosterone synthesis. However, other enzymatic defects can be identified. The excess of steroid precursors in the adrenal cortex will be directed towards adrenal androgen synthesis. Finally, the clinical picture includes a series of manifestations specific to the enzymatic deficiency, the severity depending on the degree of the genetic defect. Thus, we can meet severe deficits with clinical expression in newborns and toddlers or partial, non-classical forms with manifestation in adolescence or adulthood. Once the diagnosis of CAH is established, patients will require specific therapy and long-term monitoring

    Slow Food Movement: Case Study Report

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    Theme [ssh.2013.3.2-1] [Social Innovation- Empowering People, changing societies] Project Full Title: “Transformative Social Innovation Theory project”[Abstract] This report presents the results of a case study developed on the Slow Food movement within the EU-FP7 funded TRANSIT Proyect. Slow Food is a International association founded to counter the rise of fast food and fast life. Slow Food demands a shift of paradigm towards a new food system, based on the defense of biodiversity, respect for local cultures and community empowerment. Slow Food envisions a world in which all people can access and enjoy quality food produced in a sustainable and fair way.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 61316

    Translocal empowerment in transformative social innovation networks

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    [Abstract] This paper contributes to public and academic discussions on empowerment and social innovation by conceptualizing the mechanisms of empowerment from a social psychology perspective, and empirically exploring how people are empowered through both local and transnational linkages, i.e. translocal networks. Section 2 conceptualizes empowerment as the process through which actors gain the capacity to mobilize resources to achieve a goal, building on different power theories in relation to social change, combined with self-determination theory and intrinsic motivation research. Based on that conceptualization, empirical questions are formulated to be asked about cases under study. Section 3 then provides an empirical analysis of translocal networks that work with social innovation both at the global and local level. A total of five networks are analyzed: FEBEA, DESIS, the Global Ecovillage Network, Impact Hub and Slow Food. The embedded cases-study approach allows an exploration of how people are empowered through the transnational networking while also zooming in on the dynamics in local initiatives. In the final section, conceptual and empirical insights are synthesized into a characterization of the mechanisms of translocal empowerment, and challenges for future research are formulated

    Evaluating the impact of Nature-based Solutions: A Summary for Policy Makers

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    Assessing the impacts of nature-based solutions is essential to understand their effectiveness in addressing current interrelated societal challenges. Robust impact evaluation supports practitioners to understand and document the outcomes of nature-based solutions, resulting in improved quality, efficiency and effectiveness at various stages of nature-based solution implementation. Knowing which nature-based interventions are effective and at what cost is critical for decisions about the action itself, as well as for assessment of the up-scaling and/or replication potential of a given nature-based solution. This publication provides a summary of key principles in developing your impact evaluation framework, which includes the development of your theory of change, and the selection of appropriate indicators of impact and methods to obtain useful and high-quality data. Through the presentation of four European nature-based solution case studies, with diverse geographies and challenges, we illustrate how impact evaluation can be tailored to local contexts. We hope to inspire you to further explore the detailed information available in Evaluating the Impact of Nature-Based Solutions: A Handbook for Practitioners, and the accompanying Evaluating the Impact of Nature-Based Solutions: Appendix of Methods

    Transformative Social Innovation Narrative: Timebanking

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    Versión completa disponible en: http://www.transitsocialinnovation.eu/resource-hub/wp-4-case-study-report-timebanking[Abstract] This report provides a very short summary of a full case-study report that includes indepth case-studies of Timebanking. Both, the full case reports and this summary, were guided by four empirical research questions based upon a preliminary conceptual framework of the TRANSIT-project.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 613169http://hdl.handle.net/2183/3006

    Survey on public perceptions of environmental risks

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    The European Commission's Environment Directorate-General (DG Environment) has published Survey on public perceptions of environmental risks, a report of research conducted by CEP with partners at the University of A Coruña (Spain), the University of Latvia, Oikos (Slovenia), Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) and the West University of Timisoara (Romania).[Abstract] The aim of this project was to understand the differences between public perception and scientific assessment of environmental risks and the main factors influencing the evolution of public perspectives in Europe. The project used a mixed methodology research approach, including a survey of experts and focus groups with members of the public. Overall, the environmental risks seen as being of highest concern by members of the public were similar to the top risks identified by experts. However, consumption habits appeared high in the list of concerns for experts but was generally ranked much lower across the focus groups. Waste was an issue of concern to public participants that was not ranked highly by experts. Factors that influence lay perceptions of risk include individual identity and background, collective cultural, institutional and socio-political systems, social values and degree of trust in authorities. A number of qualitative characteristics of environmental risks were also found to influence many aspects of lay assessments of environmental risks. These included factors such as scale and severity, proximity and personal control. Discussions in the focus groups showed that many people were using multiple sources of information to develop their understanding of what are often complex environmental issues